DnN St.Petersburg Fashion Week opens new names in the history of St. Petersburg fashion

DnN St.Petersburg Fashion Week opens new names in the Petersburg fashion. As part XXVI season fashion week, which will be held from 4 to 7 October 2012, in addition to hits by renowned masters, designers will present their collections, debutantes. For the first time their work will be presented to the general public, they will appreciate the members of the business elite, fashion experts and fashion-business practices, according to event organizers.

Thus, under the XXVI season DnN St.Petersburg Fashion Week will be a presentation brand Dary `a M Mezentseva Darya, a young designer who specializes in creating evening gowns. Also debut at Fashion Week will be a collection of brand Pavo Creation «Sunny symbol" Hope's Chernenko.
The first "big" podium will DnN FW and for students from international design schools Anastasia Trapitsyn, Eleanor Bikzhanovoy and Inna Beglova. Each of the three collections of young artists founded in concept and sustained strictly within it. So designer Anastasia Trapitsyn creating his collection, inspired by the rain, Eleanor Bikzhanova - unpredictable ocean, and Inna Beglova - natural elements.
Winner of Fashion Provocation Julia Kurgan, Natalia Kobernik, Uliana Mikheev and Olga Rodygina also introduce viewers to their collections. Fashion Provocation - competition, which participants are mainly students or just graduated from university graduates. All-Russia competition of young designers created designer Tatiana Gordienko, which guided by the desire to create a project that will provide an opportunity for young talented designers to express themselves and to present their collections wider audience.

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